Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Kind of Bipartisanship

I love to see this story on the new so called Bipartisan Stimulus Package.
WASHINGTON – Financial institutions that received federal bailout money and paid large executive bonuses would be required to compensate taxpayers under the economic stimulus bill approved by the Senate.

The $838 billion measure includes an amendment penalizing companies that paid bonuses greater than $100,000 to executives after receiving government rescue funds last year. The amendment would require the companies to repay within four months any portion of the bonus above $100,000 or face an excise tax of 35 percent on the portion of the bonus above $100,000.

The Senate approved the stimulus bill 61-37 on Tuesday, setting up negotiations with the House, which passed a slightly different version last week.

From Yahoo

This is more the kind of work we need on these Wall Street rascals.  I say get all the money back that you can and make them pay through the nose!

Wordpress 2.7

I have upgraded morgansblog.com to Wordpress V2.7.  There is much to like about this new build of the tool I must admit.  I particularly like the way plugins can be uploaded directly without FTP access remotely using HTTP.  Also, the built in media manager is significantly improved.

I also needed to upgrade because my team at Bella Pictures is working hard on several new tools built on the latest version of Wordpress.  I couldn't be left in the dust:(

Many people ask me what Bella Pictures does. We are the largest national wedding photographer in the United States.  We just launched wedding videography as a product last fall and it has come out with great reviews.